
Sunday, 21 October 2012

On the importance of watching a video clip to the end before sharing it with students :)

Yesterday while browsing some online videos I had two situations that reminded me of the importance of carefully choosing video clips for our students.

At first, I decided to watch a video clip recommended by EFL Classroom 2.0 on my Facebook news feed page. I intentionally don't include the video into this post because I don't want my readers to experience what I did. During the first 10-15 seconds of the clip we're watching a person cycling peacefully among those lamp posts. It looks really relaxing, just like the title of the video suggests. But in the next moment, out of nowhere, a disgusting terrifying creature pops up right in front of the cam. The end. Of course I jumped up on my chair and felt disgusted. I know some kids like such kind of videos, but this is something I would never show to my pupils at the lesson. Ever.
The conclusion is: even if a video is recommended by a world-wide known site for educators, you should double-check it anyway. Different teachers have a different understanding of what is appropriate for students and what is not.

The next mischievous video that I almost shared with my students was the Galaxy Song by Monty Python. 
At first I watched the following video clip to this song and I loved it.

Find more videos like this on EFL CLASSROOM 2.0

After that I decided to search for the original video clip of this song on Youtube and it turned out to be a nice retro movie song. It seemed that nothing could be wrong about showing it to my students and I kept watching the clip only because I was enjoying the song. And in the middle of it, there turned to be a piece which I wouldn't want my students to comment during the lesson :)
The conclusion: inappropriate content can be hiding in the places where you least expect to see it :)
Enjoy the song! :)


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