
About me

Hello everyone! I'm Helen :) I'm an ESL teacher in Brovary, Ukraine. I've worked as a teacher of English at two specialized secondary schools - #277 in Kyiv and #5 in Brovary, my teaching experience is 8 years. Right now I'm 'between jobs', using this break for learning, self-development and helping my daughter with her school tasks. I love teaching, learning, being in the nature, swimming, playing tennis, reading science fiction and philosophic novels, listening to music and surfing the net. My interest in the Internet and technologies and the wish to use ICT with my students has brought me to the British Council Learning Technologies online course which has taught me so many new skills, given a great amount of necessary information and helped me get to know all the wonderful ladies and great teachers from the course :) Right now I'm participating in two EVO workshops, creating and managing a wiki for Ukrainian teachers who are interested in teaching English with technology and doing this first step in the 30 goals project! :)


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